Vodafone UK

I'm currently working for Vodafone UK. My team is responsibile for My Vodafone Online, where retail customers can login and manage their account.

We are currently in the process of migrating from the legacy customer portal created ten years ago, to a brand new code base hosted in the cloud and built using the latest technologies. We've completely overhauled the UX to improve the performance and accessibility for our customers.

There were many issues with the legacy portal application which led to the decision to completely rebuild:

  • It was a single code base with little flexibility to optimise customer journeys without aligning to a major quarterly release. This meant it took an average of 12 weeks to deploy front-end changes to production.
  • The application was not mobile responsive.
  • Page load times were over 4 seconds.
  • There was no automated testing in place.
  • Overall poor customer experience, with -16 NPS in the billing journey

Through the new platform we have delivered:

  • A mobile-first responsive application.
  • Page load times under 2 seconds.
  • Code changes deployed to production in less than 30 minutes.
  • Improved customer satisfaction (+25 net promoter score in billing journey).
  • Automated visual regression tests and end-to-end synthetic tests.
  • Recognised in industry awards: ECCCSA - Best Customer Experience Redesign and UK CX awards - Best Digital Transformation.

Technologies used

React, TypeScript, JavaScript (ES6), Webpack, Vite, Terraform



Screenshot of Vodafone UK customer account dashboard

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